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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

American Community Survey Profile Report | 2018-2022 (5-year estimates)

House District 32A

Housing Characteristics

District Demographics Table
Subject District Percent
HOUSING OCCUPANCY - Total housing units 15,272 (X)
Occupied housing units 14,813 97
Vacant housing units 459 3
Homeowner vacancy rate 0.2 (X)
Rental vacancy rate 8.3 (X)
UNITS IN STRUCTURE - Total housing units 15,272 (X)
1-unit, detached 11,777 77.1
1-unit, attached 1,758 11.5
2 units 115 0.8
3 or 4 units 77 0.5
5 to 9 units 160 1
10 to 19 units 17 0.1
20 or more units 910 6
Mobile home 458 3
Boat, RV, van, etc. 0 (X)
YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT - Total housing units 15,272 (X)
Built 2020 or later 183 1.2
Built 2010 to 2019 2,267 14.8
Built 2000 to 2009 3,554 23.3
Built 1990 to 1999 2,902 19
Built 1980 to 1989 1,513 9.9
Built 1970 to 1979 2,678 17.5
Built 1960 to 1969 1,428 9.4
Built 1950 to 1959 298 2
Built 1940 to 1949 195 1.3
Built 1939 or earlier 254 1.7
ROOMS - Total housing units 15,272 (X)
1 room 109 0.7
2 rooms 102 0.7
3 rooms 431 2.8
4 rooms 1,496 9.8
5 rooms 2,384 15.6
6 rooms 2,482 16.3
7 rooms 2,232 14.6
8 rooms 2,243 14.7
9 rooms or more 3,793 24.8
Median rooms 6.8 (X)
BEDROOMS - Total housing units 15,272 (X)
No bedroom 109 0.7
1 bedroom 329 2.2
2 bedrooms 2,739 17.9
3 bedrooms 5,426 35.5
4 bedrooms 5,004 32.8
5 or more bedrooms 1,665 10.9
HOUSING TENURE - Occupied housing units 14,813 (X)
Owner-occupied 13,060 88.2
Renter-occupied 1,753 11.8
Average household size of owner-occupied unit 2.8 (X)
Average household size of renter-occupied unit 3 (X)
YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT - Occupied housing units 14,813 (X)
Moved in 2021 or later 435 2.9
Moved in 2018 to 2020 2,226 15
Moved in 2010 to 2017 5,011 33.8
Moved in 2000 to 2009 3,773 25.5
Moved in 1990 to 1999 1,700 11.5
Moved in 1989 and earlier 1,668 11.3
VEHICLES AVAILABLE - Occupied housing units 14,813 (X)
No vehicles available 311 2.1
1 vehicle available 2,984 20.1
2 vehicles available 7,145 48.2
3 or more vehicles available 4,373 29.5
HOUSE HEATING FUEL - Occupied housing units 14,813 (X)
Utility gas 12,866 86.9
Bottled, tank, or LP gas 355 2.4
Electricity 1,485 10
Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. 63 0.4
Coal or coke 0 (X)
Wood 18 0.1
Solar energy 0 (X)
Other fuel 8 0.1
No fuel used 18 0.1
SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS - Occupied housing units 14,813 (X)
Lacking complete plumbing facilities 11 0.1
Lacking complete kitchen facilities 18 0.1
No telephone service available 17 0.1
OCCUPANTS PER ROOM - Occupied housing units 14,813 (X)
1.00 or less 14,440 97.5
1.01 to 1.50 318 2.1
1.51 or more 55 0.4
VALUE - Owner-occupied units 13,060 (X)
Less than $50,000 450 3.4
$50,000 to $99,999 141 1.1
$100,000 to $149,999 130 1
$150,000 to $199,999 633 4.8
$200,000 to $299,999 3,444 26.4
$300,000 to $499,999 6,119 46.9
$500,000 to $999,999 2,069 15.8
$1,000,000 or more 74 0.6
Median (dollars) 353,500 (X)
MORTGAGE STATUS - Owner-occupied units 13,060 (X)
Housing units with a mortgage 9,681 74.1
Housing units without a mortgage 3,379 25.9
SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS (SMOC) - Housing units with a mortgage 9,681 (X)
Less than $500 19 0.2
$500 to $999 381 3.9
$1,000 to $1,499 1,539 15.9
$1,500 to $1,999 3,006 31.1
$2,000 to $2,499 2,083 21.5
$2,500 to $2,999 1,443 14.9
$3,000 or more 1,210 12.5
Median (dollars) 1,982 (X)
Housing units without a mortgage 3,379 (X)
Less than $250 38 1.1
$250 to $399 239 7.1
$400 to $599 1,152 34.1
$600 to $799 1,220 36.1
$800 to $999 411 12.2
$1,000 or more 319 9.4
Median (dollars) 631 (X)
SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME (SMOCAPI) - Housing units with a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed) 9,659 (X)
Less than 20.0 percent 4,668 48.3
20.0 to 24.9 percent 2,025 21
25.0 to 29.9 percent 975 10.1
30.0 to 34.9 percent 440 4.6
35.0 percent or more 1,551 16.1
Not computed 22 (X)
Housing unit without a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed) 3,359 (X)
Less than 10.0 percent 1,790 53.3
10.0 to 14.9 percent 750 22.3
15.0 to 19.9 percent 301 9
20.0 to 24.9 percent 204 6.1
25.0 to 29.9 percent 44 1.3
30.0 to 34.9 percent 72 2.1
35.0 percent or more 198 5.9
Not computed 20 (X)
GROSS RENT - Occupied units paying rent 1,685 (X)
Less than $500 24 1.4
$500 to $999 225 13.4
$1,000 to $1,499 545 32.3
$1,500 to $1,999 542 32.2
$2,000 to $2,499 191 11.3
$2,500 to $2,999 154 9.1
$3,000 or more 4 0.2
Median (dollars) 1,545 (X)
No rent paid 68 (X)
GROSS RENT AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME (GRAPI) - Occupied units paying rent (excluding units where GRAPI cannot be computed) 1,685 (X)
Less than 15.0 percent 140 8.3
15.0 to 19.9 percent 227 13.5
20.0 to 24.9 percent 390 23.1
25.0 to 29.9 percent 210 12.5
30.0 to 34.9 percent 180 10.7
35.0 percent or more 538 31.9
Not computed 68 (X)