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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

American Community Survey Profile Report | 2018-2022 (5-year estimates)

House District 37B

Housing Characteristics

District Demographics Table
Subject District Percent
HOUSING OCCUPANCY - Total housing units 18,431 (X)
Occupied housing units 17,691 96
Vacant housing units 740 4
Homeowner vacancy rate 0.2 (X)
Rental vacancy rate 4.7 (X)
UNITS IN STRUCTURE - Total housing units 18,431 (X)
1-unit, detached 11,656 63.2
1-unit, attached 3,955 21.5
2 units 90 0.5
3 or 4 units 264 1.4
5 to 9 units 418 2.3
10 to 19 units 179 1
20 or more units 1,813 9.8
Mobile home 32 0.2
Boat, RV, van, etc. 24 0.1
YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT - Total housing units 18,431 (X)
Built 2020 or later 113 0.6
Built 2010 to 2019 1,997 10.8
Built 2000 to 2009 1,084 5.9
Built 1990 to 1999 2,888 15.7
Built 1980 to 1989 5,920 32.1
Built 1970 to 1979 5,049 27.4
Built 1960 to 1969 686 3.7
Built 1950 to 1959 244 1.3
Built 1940 to 1949 126 0.7
Built 1939 or earlier 324 1.8
ROOMS - Total housing units 18,431 (X)
1 room 63 0.3
2 rooms 312 1.7
3 rooms 852 4.6
4 rooms 1,734 9.4
5 rooms 2,347 12.7
6 rooms 2,498 13.6
7 rooms 2,942 16
8 rooms 2,255 12.2
9 rooms or more 5,428 29.5
Median rooms 7 (X)
BEDROOMS - Total housing units 18,431 (X)
No bedroom 63 0.3
1 bedroom 1,065 5.8
2 bedrooms 3,977 21.6
3 bedrooms 6,547 35.5
4 bedrooms 5,117 27.8
5 or more bedrooms 1,662 9
HOUSING TENURE - Occupied housing units 17,691 (X)
Owner-occupied 14,769 83.5
Renter-occupied 2,922 16.5
Average household size of owner-occupied unit 2.5 (X)
Average household size of renter-occupied unit 2.3 (X)
YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT - Occupied housing units 17,691 (X)
Moved in 2021 or later 734 4.1
Moved in 2018 to 2020 3,144 17.8
Moved in 2010 to 2017 5,355 30.3
Moved in 2000 to 2009 2,774 15.7
Moved in 1990 to 1999 2,758 15.6
Moved in 1989 and earlier 2,926 16.5
VEHICLES AVAILABLE - Occupied housing units 17,691 (X)
No vehicles available 267 1.5
1 vehicle available 4,332 24.5
2 vehicles available 9,116 51.5
3 or more vehicles available 3,976 22.5
HOUSE HEATING FUEL - Occupied housing units 17,691 (X)
Utility gas 15,285 86.4
Bottled, tank, or LP gas 252 1.4
Electricity 1,930 10.9
Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. 19 0.1
Coal or coke 0 (X)
Wood 83 0.5
Solar energy 0 (X)
Other fuel 39 0.2
No fuel used 83 0.5
SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS - Occupied housing units 17,691 (X)
Lacking complete plumbing facilities 87 0.5
Lacking complete kitchen facilities 31 0.2
No telephone service available 87 0.5
OCCUPANTS PER ROOM - Occupied housing units 17,691 (X)
1.00 or less 17,403 98.4
1.01 to 1.50 256 1.4
1.51 or more 32 0.2
VALUE - Owner-occupied units 14,769 (X)
Less than $50,000 155 1
$50,000 to $99,999 66 0.4
$100,000 to $149,999 273 1.8
$150,000 to $199,999 733 5
$200,000 to $299,999 3,888 26.3
$300,000 to $499,999 7,590 51.4
$500,000 to $999,999 1,969 13.3
$1,000,000 or more 95 0.6
Median (dollars) 348,000 (X)
MORTGAGE STATUS - Owner-occupied units 14,769 (X)
Housing units with a mortgage 10,177 68.9
Housing units without a mortgage 4,592 31.1
SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS (SMOC) - Housing units with a mortgage 10,177 (X)
Less than $500 39 0.4
$500 to $999 277 2.7
$1,000 to $1,499 1,665 16.4
$1,500 to $1,999 3,221 31.6
$2,000 to $2,499 2,427 23.8
$2,500 to $2,999 1,390 13.7
$3,000 or more 1,158 11.4
Median (dollars) 1,985 (X)
Housing units without a mortgage 4,592 (X)
Less than $250 161 3.5
$250 to $399 344 7.5
$400 to $599 1,205 26.2
$600 to $799 1,601 34.9
$800 to $999 687 15
$1,000 or more 594 12.9
Median (dollars) 683 (X)
SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME (SMOCAPI) - Housing units with a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed) 10,150 (X)
Less than 20.0 percent 5,975 58.9
20.0 to 24.9 percent 1,455 14.3
25.0 to 29.9 percent 919 9.1
30.0 to 34.9 percent 724 7.1
35.0 percent or more 1,077 10.6
Not computed 27 (X)
Housing unit without a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed) 4,560 (X)
Less than 10.0 percent 2,636 57.8
10.0 to 14.9 percent 824 18.1
15.0 to 19.9 percent 629 13.8
20.0 to 24.9 percent 184 4
25.0 to 29.9 percent 53 1.2
30.0 to 34.9 percent 74 1.6
35.0 percent or more 160 3.5
Not computed 32 (X)
GROSS RENT - Occupied units paying rent 2,878 (X)
Less than $500 174 6
$500 to $999 129 4.5
$1,000 to $1,499 641 22.3
$1,500 to $1,999 1,166 40.5
$2,000 to $2,499 438 15.2
$2,500 to $2,999 213 7.4
$3,000 or more 117 4.1
Median (dollars) 1,712 (X)
No rent paid 44 (X)
GROSS RENT AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME (GRAPI) - Occupied units paying rent (excluding units where GRAPI cannot be computed) 2,871 (X)
Less than 15.0 percent 345 12
15.0 to 19.9 percent 412 14.4
20.0 to 24.9 percent 679 23.7
25.0 to 29.9 percent 421 14.7
30.0 to 34.9 percent 213 7.4
35.0 percent or more 801 27.9
Not computed 51 (X)